In order for the import to complete properly, the file you upload MUST comply to the following format:
The first line of the file MUST contain header data with each field contained within double quote marks:
"First Name","Middle Initial","Last Name","Salutation","Gender","Mailing Address","City","State","Zip Code","Email Address","Phone","Spouse's Name","Interests/Hobbies","Referer","Source","Expiration"
Please note the absence of a space following each comma.
Each subsequent line MUST represent one record:
"John","V","Doe","Mr.","male","123 Elm Street","Anytown","PA","12345","","123-456-7890","Mary Lou","Coin collecting","James Smith","Web Form","08/28/2030"
Fields with no data need to be represented as an empty field – for example, the following record is missing a Middle Initial and Spouse’s Name:
"John","","Doe","Mr.","male","123 Elm Street,Anytown","PA","12345","","123-456-7890","","Coin collecting","James Smith","Web Form",""